How To Spend A Week In San Miguel de Allende Mexico
A must-do while in San Miguel is to visit one or more of the “roof-top” bars for which the city is famous. We find one such place above the restaurant Casa Nostra.
A must-do while in San Miguel is to visit one or more of the “roof-top” bars for which the city is famous. We find one such place above the restaurant Casa Nostra.
So, of course, the Pilgrims set out the traditional Thanksgiving foods at their first harvest feast. Turkey with stuffing, sweet potatoes (with the little marshmallow on top), green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie to finish the meal! Yeah, maybe not.
The 4th of July is “Independence Day” in the United States. In the U.S., we celebrate this day we’ve chosen as our “National Day” much the same way most celebrations happen all around the world, we eat. A lot! So, where did all of the traditional 4th of July foods come from?
These 9 irresistible holiday cookies, some of my favorites from all across Europe, are sure to bring up memories of Christmas markets, or perhaps your grandmother’s kitchen.
Again we are up bright and early. But today we skip breakfast since we are off for our tasting tour of Budapest’s Great Market Hall “Nagy Vasarcsarnok” and more!
Walking through the city market, stopping for a refreshment, or buying local produce allows a traveler like me a chance to get the know the people and the culture of the place I am visiting.